Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Revolutionary Road-That's where it all started

I wrote this post back in 2009... But I actually came up with it already in 2008. That's when I saw the film that shook me up. That was the year when I started dreaming of creating a blog, of coming back to/starting writing. I decided to keep this post in my attempt once again to bring this blog to life. How many times can we fall down and start up again? As long as it takes I guess. And this post talks about what I wanted this blog originally to be about-asking my burning, provoking, inspiring and touching questions. About the things I care about. 

Don’t we all have our “Paris” like April in "Revolutionary Road":  a place, a time, a situation or condition if only it happened we’d be happy, fulfilled? This little illusion that sparkles in the darkness of the dread of the everyday existence. Of course as we all know it turns out that when we find ourselves in Paris it is not as we had thought it would be and it might turn as a total disaster. But there is that little voice inside which cannot be ushered no matter what. I’ve had mine too.

There is a certain temptation to read the film as what the costs are of not being able to find the extraordinary in the ordinary, about missing what is close. After all April in her absolute quest for Paris was missing on a lot of things. The baby she carries, a fruit of that passionate moment on the kitchen counter, does not remind her that she is capable of being happy with her husband, even if those moments where so brief and fragile. She seems not to notice that she has made a difference in somebody’s life, someone who is not a part of that little suburban theater she dreads. It is as if she was wearing blinds on her eyes and could not turn around to see that even in the golden cage as she called it there could be a chance for discovery.

 But then what if she did want to go to Paris? Was it wrong of her to hope for it? Just because it was naive, unrealistic and probably would not change much? Is it wrong for April to trust her instinct, her institution?

Frank and April keep talking about compromise. Mature, stable loving couples, or maybe all relationships, are about reaching a compromise, aren’t they?. A compromise which is about giving up something and get something in return. A compromise means peace, doesn’t it? But what kind of compromise do April and Frank have? At all times there is one person who gives in more than the other. Especially at the end it seems that April clenches her teeth, at that terrible breakfast which hides so much violence and pain under her terrible perfect smile, that even Frank senses something is wrong. April was the one who made her first move out to change anything and now ironically she ends up with no bright perspectives.

Staying at home, throwing yourself out there, compromising... none of these seem to work in the film. The film doesn't give easy answers. Only questions. Which burn and sting.